Start tracking
Enable geolocation services on your device to map your location. If you have these services, locations will be sampled every second and averaged over 10 seconds. A track of your movement will be shown on the map, with estimated distance traveled. Location information will also be shown here.
No personal information is saved by this web page. You might need to check your browser and device permissions to allow this feature. If you are on trail and lose cellular signal, map tracking should still continue. Note: This feature is tuned to travel by walking or running.
GeoTIFF of map, 580 MB (for use in Avenza Maps)
JPG of map, 4 MB
GPX of course, 100 KB
zipped GPX of course, 50 KB
Course stats
Total cumulative elevation gain is 3,427 feet. Because the course is a loop, the total loss is the same as the gain.
Elevation profile,
400 KB
When you explore the map, mile markers have info panels that can be accessed by clicking on the marker. They show cumulative elevation gain and loss for the previous mile.
Description of symbols used on map
10ft elevation contours labeled at 100ft intervals