Current webcams for the Great Smoky Mountains.

Current webcam from Look Rock, Tennessee.

Current webcams for the Great Smoky Mountains.

Current webcam from Mammoth Cave NP, Kentucky. Yesterday at Mammoth Cave

Weather in the Woods

We aggregate data from the National Weather Service, National Park Service, Weather Underground, and friendly twitter and blog feeds to help hikers understand weather and road conditions for the Daniel Boone National Forest and Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Each station (GRSM, CUGA, and DBNF) offers current weather observations, forecasts, webcams, archives, and climate information that updates every 15 minutes. Smell the mountain air, through the internet.

Recent Photographs & Maps

Current weather and animations
Live webcam for the Great Smokies
Live weather stations for the Great Smokies NP and Daniel Boone NF...