DBNF Info: SheltoweeTrace | kywilderness | boydshearer
KYWilderness (@kywilderness) Activities in the great outdoors of Kentucky and beyond.

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National Land Cover Database on SheltoweeTrace.com

Two new layers have been added to the web map for the Daniel Boone NF and Big South Fork NRRA: the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for 2021 (mrlc.gov) and mined lands, 1985–2020 (skytruth.org). The NLCD is a 30-meter resolution (each cell is 30×30 meters) land cover dataset showing each cel...

Our Blog

Down arrow?

When you encounter a trail navigation sign, you understand left, right, and forward. But, does do...


The Department of Geography at the University of Kentucky has a new portal for information releva...

Trail maps for the Salato Hiking Trail

How many times have you taken a photo with your phone of a trailhead kiosk map? Inside the mailbo...

Our Clients' Maps

Shaded relief and 3D visualization in the browser

KyFromAbove has long produced elevation datasets for the public. Using their Phase II lidar point clouds, we created a new shaded relief and DEM ra...

outrageGIS.com turns 25

outrageGIS.com started in 1999 and has been continuously online since then. The first version of the website had this animated GIF. Check out the e...